Wednesday, July 25, 2012

North Rim Grand Canyon 2

 Does this one give you an idea how deep the canyon is?
 This day Jo was a trooper, she hiked a lot, the heat and altitude started to wear her out.
 Just look at all the subtle colors in the canyon walls, I wonder how many years it took to create such beauty.
 This is a pretty neat photo, at least I think so.
 Does anyone out there know if the different layers tell how old the cliff is, you know the rings of a cut tree tells its age, so does the different layers tell the cliffs age?
 Here is the proof she made the 3/4 mile hike to the look out.
 This view shows just how rugged the cliffs are
 Just a beautiful view, don't you think?
 This is at the end of the auto tour, about a ten mile drive through some beautiful country side.
 Why did or better yet do we see rock formations like the high one in the middle and in the upper right hand corner?
 There were many shades of red to pinkish colors.
Yes it was rugged

 God must have had an erector set to build this cliff
 What contractor put that rock formation on top of the hill?
 We passed on this trail, it was a long hot day
We hope that you all enjoyed the North Rim, but if you really want to enjoy it you have to go there, it is well worth the drive.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

North Rim of the Grand Canyon

 It only took us about five years to get to the North Rim, much better than what it took us to see Niagara Falls. What you are looking at here, just right of the center is Angels Window, yes we walked out to the tip.
 I am sorry, but there is just no way I/we could capture the beauty of God's creation. The colors were so subtle and beautiful
 Looking up at the Lodge, we had walked out to Bright Angel Point, a little over 1/4 mile out, on an uneven path, a few hills, Jo was a huffing but she made it. It was pretty warm and oh yeah it was around 8500 feet above sea level, air is thin there.
 We did a few of these through out the park, both on foot paths and also on the auto path.
 A shot from the point, notice a little green up the side of the cliff, I tried to show how deep the canyon is, but did not do very good.
 By shooting a side angle I was hoping to better show the depth of the canyon.
 By shooting vertical I came a little closer to showing depth
 Here you can see the suttle colors, an artist would have a hard time painting these colors
 Here you can get an idea how rugged it is
 Just beautiful
 More beauty, enjoy
 I only chose a few different views for your enjoyment, at least I/we hope you enjoy them
 I just kept shooting and shooting, I wanted to capture every moment I was there, it is just so beautiful
 Jo doing her thing at one of the over looks.
To me this is my best photo of the North Rim, a pretty shot looking threw Angels Window, still have detail in the canyon walls behind the window.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Not Again

 Yes we took more picture's of Bison, this guy had a bad back leg, so of course Jo felt sorry for him, he does not look under nourished to me, how about you?
 This small herd of bulls where all looking for water, in fact they dried up every puddle in the parking lot.
 It was hard to spot the Antelope, as the grass and they are about the same height and color.
 She was just too pretty to pass up.
 Every time I see an old Case tractor it reminds me of my Dad. He drove an old Case for a lot of years.
 This herd of cow and calf Bison where on thir way down the hill, heading towards the Great Salt Lake.
 This was our surprise, we have been out to Antelope Island for a number of years and this is the first time we saw Elk.
What a pretty guy this one was/is.

Exploration Place Wichita, KS

 Exploration Place has hands-on exhibits exploring flight, medieval life and Kansas. This little Critter was outside the building and just said take my picture.
 We saw quite a few displays explaining different insects, like this one on Bees.
 We went on a simulated flight into space, the entrance is the circle to the left
 I tried to take some pictures on our flight into space, this one shows how dark it is in space.
 Here space stuff is flying by
 This object was part of a wind demonstration, you could turn a wheel and watch the effects wind had on objects on the wall.
 There were sereval displays like this one throughout the exhibits, this whole experience was very educational, even to an old geezer like myself.
 An example
 Another example of medieval life.
 What we learned here is Jo does not make a very good pilot, she had a hard time controlling the single engine plane she was flying.
 One of the rooms was a depiction of the state of Kansas, it had to be one of the best model displays we have ever seen. A lot of the small objects were working, it was just breathtaking to see.
 Could not show the whole map of the state in one photo, so I took a few trying to show the beauty of it.
 As you can see they even included the state fair in the display.
 One more photo, hope you liked the state display.
 There was a show, very similar to an I-Max theater, where they explained and showed stars and planets. Again a very good lesson, I was impressed.
If you are in Wichita with or without children and want a very educational experience go to the Exploration Place, and in the same afternoon you can see the Keeper of the Plains.