Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lonely Highway

I believe Hwy. 50 is considered to be a "Loneliest Highway"; well I  
don't see too many neighbors, etc. on this road DO YOU?

There isn't much to see but you can see forever (except for the haze in the air)

This is out of order but we stopped at a rest area (thankfully, other people do exist). This sign is about the mountain in the background (highest mountain in the Mojave Desert)

Rest Area -- There are other people on the road-- see the cars

More desert -- I'm sure it's home to at least one or two critters (snakes, lizards, etc.)

Here's Clark Mountain

OK, does anybody have an idea of what this is?  There was no sign, nothing to say what it is.

There are two more of these tower-like structures to the right of the first one. Let me know if you know what it could be.

Look, a town. It's called Primm Valley. It's truly an oasis for the eyes to see. There's a hotel, an amusement park with rides, etc. Hurray!  Civilization after the lonely desert.

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